Another part to my 90's squeal! :) This part will feature all the toys i played and remembered in the 90's! :)
Lets see if it'll make you bring back memories!

Furby! / Inside Furby
Released back in 1998
With the must have toy title.
I had one of these and loved it very much! till my brother got hold of it and smashed it in the mud it broked lol i cryed ok! ha ha
Cabbage Patch Kids
Released around 1986 - 1992
Ive always remembered i wanted one of these! and i even wrote a letter to "Santa Clausey" ha ha but never got one for Christmas and i cryed like a bitch again ha haPoochie by Tiger
Released about the 1990's
This little toy could *woof* ha ha and every time you spoke the toy would woof! and can throw a bone and would try and get it.

Mirco Scooter
Released Round 2002
i know this is a little off the 90's but i remembered saving my pocket money for this scooter! ha ha i had the same as the image above but mine were green and brought from Wilkinson's! gawd i loved that scooter!

Finger Board (Skate Board)
Released back in 1990's!
i remembered when this was all in the rage! and that everyone hadd onee! doing there tricks on them ha ha
Game Boy Colour
Released in 1998
The Game Boy and Game Boy Color combined have sold 118.69 million units worldwide. Wooahhh crazyy Right? i never had one of these i had the couple of newer versions.
Polly Pocket
Released back in 1990's
The name comes from the fact that many of the original Polly Pocket dolls came in pocket-size cases.I owned quite a few of this ones!
Pokemon Trading Cards
Released in 1998It was all in the rage! i even remembered my primary school baned them! ha ha and i remembered owning a metwo card! i was a happy girl :D
well that's the end of the childhood guys squeal the sweets will be next!
Love and Hugs,
ooh i loved polly pocket! We also had massive crazes at school for pogs, yoyos and tamagochi! x
ohh your totally righht! i remeber havin them now! ohh how time goes on :| *scarryyyy* xxx
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